
總第137期 2017年12月 上一期 下一期

第八版 寰球天地

Chinses History 中國歷史

寧波華外高二9班 錢盈盈

Since Shang Dynasty was set up till now, every moment counts, for it is the moments that have made China able to stand tall and straight in the world.

In the past, China was invaded and occupied several times. From the Opium War, it took the nation a full hundred years to engage themselves in the national revolutionary struggle.

Napoleon once said, “China is a sleeping lion. Let him sleep.” But we Chinese woke up and fought against the invaders and oppressors from both home and abroad. We put up a good fight, though suffering a great loss, even failures. But we held out and went through all the hardships.

October 1 of 1949 witnessed the foundation of a new China. We had broken the bonds of bandage of humiliation. Despite lots of pressure, we even shook off the influence of the former Soviet. With our own hands, we have create a brand-new country, a country with a resounding name of its own, a country with a firm stand of its own, a country with a sound system of its own.       So we need to remember our history, and learn to make a new history for the great era.



