Proper care and love
With good intention, our parents tend to shower us as much care and love as possible to save us the trouble and hardships they have once confronted. They arrange everything for us, and spare no efforts to pave the way to our success.
However, too much care and love can do harm to the children’s development. Definitely, we’ll need the experience of carrying our own schoolbags to detect the weight of knowledge; we’ll need the chances to make the bed and wash the clothes by ourselves to build the sense of self-reliance; we’ll need the opportunities to make our own choices to learn to be independent. Proper care and love are necessary for our growth.
(寧波華外高中部 陳紫荊)
Challenge yourself
An English speech contest was about to be held. The news was just like a stone thrown into a peaceful pool. Everone was facing a choice: to take it or not.
At first, I hesitated. Butafter much struggling, I wrote down my name with my heart beating wildly. I picked and chose and decided on the topic of “Clone man”. Then I got into the preparations. Eventually, I got myself into the best condition possible for me and did decently well on stage and made it to the final of the contest.
Faced with the challenges, some may choose to meet them while others may decide to escape, which will make a difference to their future respectively. The former will build up experience and knowledge and confidence to a brighter future for sure.
(寧波華外高中部 任冠)
Choice and Perseverance
Last Wednesday, we were greatly honored to invite Mr. Xu, our principal as well as a famous educationist, to give a lecture to us students of Grade III. With a broad smile, Mr. Xu began with sharing his own experience, emphasizing the fatal importance of choice and perseverance. He told us that the more books we read, the wider vision we will have.After benefiting from the speech, we hold the firm belief that years of hard work will surely pay off in due time, sooner or later.
(寧波華外高中部 宋昊)