高二(10)班 莊羽怡
When it comes to William Shakespeare, his prominent dramas will come to our minds. However, his experience as a playwright is quite different from other writers, which leaves a strong impression on me.
Owing to his family going bankrupt, he had to drop out at 13. During the following few years, he challenged and attempted at a wide variety of occupations that tied him to the miserable reality tightly.
After that, he arrived in London, a cosmopolitan city. There was no denying that his poor educational background was a barrier to landing a professional job directly. However, on account of a few years of diligent and arduous strife, William Shakespeare became an actor and even published his first play. The play was an overnight success, which made him known to the public as a writer of fantastic plays.
Meanwhile, feeling indifferent to the old school of drama, William Shakespeare revolutionized the vocabulary and plots for the play and sonnets. He kept pushing forward and aroused many a Londoner’s passion about the acting landscape. He is a bright star of the European Renaissance.
Only when running our life meaningfully can we realize that the start point doesn’t necessarily determine the ending height. William Shakespeare is the living evidence that a man can be a hero from zero.