
總第139期 2018年3月 上一期 下一期

第八版 寰球天地

In Honor of President Xi 致敬習(xí)大大

高二(9)班 吳越劍

In the past few decades since the founding of New China, many national, quite a few presidents have come to pass. But for our generation, Presidents Xi is the most familiar and influential next to Chairman Mao.

Since coming into office in 2013, President’s words and deeds have been concerned by and about the people. Hardly had he took office, he began cracking down on the corruption and bribery nationwide. For example, a high official like Zhou Yongkang was taken out and knocked down.

The catchphrase of “Flies and tigers are beaten together” has been welcomed here and there. After that, the president also made great efforts to protect the environment. Just as he said, clear water and green mountains are valuable assets.

 Additionally, he has done everything in his power to advance economy and helped people feel a sense of achievement and acquisition.

To realize all the beautiful dreams, the president calls on everyone to “roll up the sleeves and go” and “not to talk the talk, but to walk the walk”.

At this year’s two sessions, the constitution got amended to make sure of the smooth development of our nation and national rejuvenation. And congratulations to President Xi. Let’s hope that China will be more prosperous and promising under his leadership.
