Unlike arms or legs, responsibility doesn’t play a role in our life immediately after birth. In childhood, when not ready to pay for a broken window, we turned to our parents, praying for forgiveness, and they would deal with our fault eventually.
But alas, so fast does time fly! As we grow up quickly but unwillingly, facing responsibility becomes a part of our schedule. We may feel stressed about it. However, responsibility should be praised in many ways.
First, responsibility is a symbol of maturity. Once we can pick up our responsibility, being responsible for what we do, we are mature, both physically and mentally. Otherwise we are still grown kiddos. In this sense, an adult is not a proper title for us.
Nevertheless, as young adults with responsibility, we are supposed to treat the world responsibly rather than just meet our own needs. For example, we should care about the feelings of other roommates when we stay up late into the night doing our homework. It is our responsibility to burn the night oil for a head start, but we should think about the sleep quality of the others under the same roof as well. Only being concerned about your own affairs is nothing but selfish, let alone being responsible.
In conclusion, responsibility benefits a lot. With responsibility at hand and in heart, our life will be nicer day by day.
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