
總第152期 2019年5月 上一期 下一期

第八版 師之有道


Beyond the stage to the world

寧波華外初中部809班 邵涵怡

       What were the most brilliant inventions in the 20th century? Aircraft? Television? Artificial satellite? Actually, none of these , the answer is internet. Now, the internet connects the world into a global village. People can communicate , shop and even work online.
       My grandmother once told me, “When I was young, people used letters to communicate with each other . It was difficult for relatives living far away to keep in touch . ” 
       With rapid development of online communication platforms such as Wechat and QQ, We can share new things with relatives and friends all the time on the Internet. It’s no longer difficult to talk even over the sea.   
       On the other hand , in the age of internet, everyone is able to express their opinions and be the most shining star on the world stage. Different from the traditional talk shows or speech contests, popular live shows  nowadays offer many talented young people opportunities for development. As long as you have talent and courage, people will be proud of you. As you can see , Internet connection gives everyone a chance to play a leading role.
       Today, I am standing right here for the Star of Outlook, I believe that I will be the most shining star.



上一條:Growing Up In Reading
